Thursday, December 13, 2007

the moon

Check out the moon phase sticker on the right side of my blog. Show it to your kids and then go outside (or, if you're like me, go to a window and stay warm and toasty)and look at the moon. Does it look the same? It should. You can click on the moon sticker to get more info about moon phases. It's pretty cool and you're kids might enjoy watching the moon for a week or even a month as it appears to change shape.

For those of you who are interested in this kind of thing like me I am still thinking about a body cleanse in January (I know, I've pushed it from "after Christmas" to "after New Years'). To get myself ready, I am weaning off caffeine - 2 days of only one small cup of half-caf and today just straight decaf. I would eventually like to completely replace coffee with tea, but let's not get carried away yet. I do love my coffee but will try to see it as an occasional treat. I am also weaning myself off processed foods and foods loaded with sugar. I'd like to only eat these things on rare occasions and not every day. I had a splitting headache last night, probably from withdraw (scary, isn't it??) but this morning I feel GREAT. I borrowed this book from my sister and I find it extremely helpful and enlightening.

The photo for this post was taken by Rick Leche.

1 comment:

CRaucci said...

Hi Debbie. Cindy sent me your web address. I thought it was very interesting about the total body cleanse. How is that going? The book looked very interesting.